Monday, June 13, 2005

Did Someone Get the Number of that Blue Haired?

Woah. What hit me? Last thing I knew, I was employed by a Fortune 200 company with stock options and career mobility. Where did this detour come from? Oh well, no matter.

Despite the still present ringing in my ears, it's time to take stock of the situation. Financial: more than enough money to get by for a few months, enough capital to fund a small start-up and a nest egg to fall back on if I should fail. Excellent. Health: good and still young enough to put in long hours towards desired goals. Excellent. Mental attitude: chip firmly on shoulder. Perfect!

Good, good. Everything seems to be in order. So, what's next?

Well, for this would-be captain of industry, it's taking a shot at ontrepreneurship. (That's being an entrepreneur who's online.) My apologies to Al, who add hoped I would join the alligator tour guide industry. I have decided that I will be starting an online shop for urban males, or metrosexuals.

The idea was born out of the fact that I have never been able to find a "one-stop" place for my particular demographic: urban male. I feel I can offer both products and information to create an online community that is the recognized leader in serving the needs of urban males.

I am setting a deadline for myself of being up and running by July 1st. If you would like to contribute ideas or your services for a website dedicated to serving the urban male, please feel free to contact me at

More details to follow, of course.

If you would like to keep in contact, or just drop me a line, while I go through this transition, my contact information is:

208 Villa Circle
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
H: (561) 736-1585
C: (972) 965-9355


At 5:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dibs on writing the copy.

At 6:09:00 PM, Blogger Tommy said...

It is so yours! I am sure we can work out a mutually beneficial arrangement.

At 10:50:00 AM, Blogger eden said...

i hate to be the parade-rainer, but boynton beach is hardly urban.

and can you tell me if there is an actual "sexual" aspect to metrosexual, other than being a pithy hybrid of hetero/metropolitan/homosexual? you people, i don't know, fuck male pigeons or something?

At 2:00:00 PM, Blogger Tommy said...

Eden, you are quite right, I am in excile. Perhaps with the power of my website, I will lead my people to the Promised Land. As for being metrosexual: it's true, but only good-looking pigeons.


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