Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Greetings From Starbucks

Normally, I post and work from home. Today, the internet in my condo is down, so I quickly grabbed Kendra's laptop (thanks, hon!) and headed over to Starbucks to check email, blog and have a phone conference with my web guy.

The plan was to have the new site and line finished by Thanksgiving. Well, I've clearly missed both of those goals. That's the bad news. The good news is that we are getting close to having a new site within a couple of days. No, seriously, I mean it this time.

The site has been delayed because of a number of issues: a hurricane, a mysterious database issue and a new software learning curve. All understandable and thoroughly frustrating at the same time.

But, all the components seem to be in place now. There are a few minor tweaks left to make, but the main structure and function of the website is there. Text needs to be updated, products need to be uploaded and a few more product pics need to taken, but other than that we are good to go. We're getting close...

As for the new line, the delay has primarily been caused by slow work by the silk screener and a shortage of product at American Apparel. I've worked out the issues with the silk screener, and at this point, I am only waiting for American Apparel to make some men's 2XL olive tee shirts and shipped them to the silk screener before the jobs can be run. At SHJ's current size, I have no influence with American Apparel to cause them to fill my need quickly. But, that's just par for the course, at this point.


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