Saturday, August 13, 2005

Tag, You're It!

Springheel Jack had a new milestone this week: Tags! The tags will be sewn into the shirts to make them look a little more professional. I have to say, it was really cool to see my logo in fabric. It felt a lot like Christmas.



The backs of the tags are supposed to be fortunes and will change periodically. To start, I am making five phrases, so collect them all!

Big thanks to Kyle for all his help in making the logo for the tags a reality. Thanks to Barb and Chrissy for the inspired fortunes.

I have about $3K of t-shirts sitting in my closet now. That's weird to think about.

We are also getting closer on the website. A lot of the functionality, including the shopping cart, has yet to be added, but you can get an idea of what it will look like.

Note: The website will probably get wholesale changes at some point. I hired my IT guy because he could build me a website with a shopping cart, not because he was especially gifted at graphic design. My primary focus was having a functioning site. I will probably hire someone else to make the site more fun.

The shirts and the tags are being lined up for production within the next 10 days. Once the tags are done, they must be sewn in and pictures must be taken for the website. The website should be good to go by then, so I am predicting a late August launch, most likely with little fan fare. I will want to work out any obvious bugs before marketing the site heavily.


At 10:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I want to know what the other tags are...



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