Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Art Poll Results

I have decided the art poll is now closed. I never set a deadline, and I figure now is as good a time as any. If you didn't vote before now, I'm sorry you missed it. You should check this site more often.

As of 4:58 PM EST, the results, excluding my votes, were as follows:

Champ 4
Bunny Head 3
Medusa 5
Bad Dog 0
Goddess 4
Red 6

As you can see, it was close. But, based on this poll, I will be making Red, Medusa and Champ.

In case you're asking yourself, "Champ and Goddess got the same number of votes - why did you choose Champ over Goddess?" The answer is because I voted for: Champ, Medusa and Red.

So, what have we learned?

  1. I need to set a deadline before publishing the poll so I don't seem like an ass.
  2. In the case of a tie, the decision goes to the ones I voted for. (It's good to be the king.)
  3. I should not vote in my own poll because it throws off the numbers.
  4. polls suck!
  5. Your opinions do in fact matter.
  6. If you don't like the results, you should have gotten your friends to vote too.

Personally, I learned it's especially sweet when your opinion agrees with mine.

For the designs that didn't get chosen, there is always a chance that they will get made at a later date. At the moment, my budget can only afford three designs. That's the unfortunate reality of the situation right now.


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