Friday, August 19, 2005

Springhead Jack

Or, Springhell Jack. Either is fine. Don't trouble yourself to get it right! UGH!

I know it's not entirely their fault. This is what I get for not choosing to name my company after something common, like "Apple" or "Biscuit". And, my Chicago accent doesn't help either. More times than not, I can barely tell if I am saying "Springhill" or "Springheel". And, that doesn't even take into consideration the two diffrent spellings of the word "heal"/"heel".

How do I get people to understand me? I spell it out, "H-E-E-L". I say things like, "'Heel', as in the 'heel of your shoe'." Apparently, these things don't always work. Either that, or people just type/hear/write whatever the F' they want.

What's a boy (with little patience) to do?


At 1:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the kind of thing that surprises people whose last names have four letters and synonyms.

At 1:20:00 PM, Blogger eden said...

amen! last name has synonyms, and well, my first name has synonyms and four letters...but they both still get misspelled and mispronounced all the time anyway! so...yeah!

At 1:29:00 PM, Blogger Tommy said...

Oh, wise ones, I hear in your derision the voice of Truth! And, it says to me, "Get used to it, dumbass."

Don Rhodes
(Yes, it happens to me too.)

At 2:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would register the domain names "," "," "," and ""


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