New Jack Site-y
I am going to let you in on a little secret. I hate my website. I mean, I hate, hate, hate it. It sucks monkey balls. For the uninitiated, click here.
What do I hate about it? Well, let's start with the fact that it's boring. The site's not fun. It completely undercuts the fact that we're selling some kick-a## shirts. It screams amateur. It's also ugly, clunky, not just for the customer but the backend processes as well, and counter-intuitive to normal humans. And, the kicker is that I can't change it. Oh, I could make small changes, like to the background color or the link colors, but I can't make the wholesale changes I want.
So, what have I done about this? I have hired a friend of friend to design a new site. His name is Eric Rosson, and he's an amazing web designer. And, he's fast. In a single weekend, he's created me a comp of the new site. Take a look at the future of Springheel Jack.
It's only a comp, so the eventual site might be different, but you get the idea. It certainly doesn't suck.
i would like to note that those unflattering pictures that look like they are of me are actually of my evil twin, uh, not eden. ;)
It should also be noted that Eden and Kyle are awesome and have every right to kick my butt for having associated them with such a suck-a## site.
I really, really like design one from the new site material.
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