Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Website News

Ok, so by this point, my new and improved website is long overdue. Long story short - the guy I hired to design and build the site was good with the designing, not so good with the building.

Consequently, I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I have gone about learning as much web design as I can so that I can build my next website. As my saintly departed mother used to say, "Teach a man to phish, and everyone will hate you." But, I digress.

Kyle and I are working on a new design. Here is a rough idea of how the home/splash page might look:

This is picture shows a 800 X 600 site. Given that 94% of my visitors have monitors with 1024 X 768 resolution, or better, we're planning to change the size to 1024 X 768 to give ourselves a little more real estate to work with.

Please feel free to give feedback.


At 10:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use the other model.

At 10:44:00 AM, Blogger eden said...

show us the dirty laundry with the halo!! holy dirty laundry!

At 2:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ellen -- in the bigger version you can more easily tell that I'm on the phone.

I'll take that into account though, when I deliver the final version tonight.


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