Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ugly T-Shirt Contest

Ok, so the blog idea went over like a lead balloon. No big deal. It was just one idea. Besides, the work-to-potential-benefit ratio was probably problematically high, anyway.

However, I think I have come up with a winner. I want to host an "Ugly T-Shirt Contest". Contestants who submit t-shirts will be given a $5 gift certificate just for entering the contest. The winner will receive $100 cash. Pictures of the shirts will be posted on the website, and people can vote for their "favorite".

I don't know that this is critical, but I haven't yet determined the criteria for "ugly". For example, does ugly only apply to the graphic image, color, style, etc. or does it also apply to general abuse, wear-and-tear or even pit stains.

I think this could be big. Everybody has that one t-shirt in their closet that they should have tossed, nay burned, long ago. I'm giving people an opportunity to cash in on their packrat ways.

Depending on interest, I could very easily see the contest becoming a monthly event.

In discussing the idea with Al, he raised a very good question and I'll throw it out to you. Which websites and publications might be interested in writing about a ugly t-shirt contest? I could see Maxim (and other magazines like it) having an interest. Really, anyone who likes pointing out the oddities and freak shows of human existance could have an interest. Maybe we can come up with a list here.

UPDATE: see the comments for the continuing discussion on this post.


At 9:33:00 AM, Blogger Tommy said...

I'll start the list:
* Maxim, FHM, Playboy, etc.
* "Attack of the Show" (Gems of the Internet)

At 10:13:00 AM, Blogger Kitten said...

I'm sure you could at least rate a link at The Morning News. Also try Coudal Partners.

If you're pitching to print magazines, try Bust and Adbusters. You might also see if you can bring the whole site to the attention of the fine people at Lucky.

At 10:48:00 AM, Blogger Tommy said...

Great suggestions. Thanks. Any idea of how I could get the attention of Lucky?

At 11:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't need objective criteria for an Ugly T-Shirt Contest. People know it when they see it.

Speaking of which, I will be buying a Green Bay Packers t-shirt.

At 5:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why $100? How about $50 and a free Springheel Jack T-shirt to replace the "ugly" one?

At 9:07:00 AM, Blogger Tommy said...

Al, are you going to submit the GBP t-shirt to the contest? It might win. Green and yellow do NOT look good together.

Big, I like the idea of adding a free t-shirt of their choice. I'll definitely do that. While we're on the subject, can anyone suggest additional prizes I could offer?

My concern about offering less money is that it won't entice enough people to enter the contest. Maybe I am warped (good chance of that), but I would think $50 might have some people on the bubble about submitting a t-shirt. My thought is that there might be some "friction" considering the distinction of being named the winner is somewhat dubious.

At 10:27:00 AM, Blogger Kitten said...

Re: prize--I would think that $50 plus a free T-shirt is sufficient. Everybody likes to win something, the exact value usually doesn't matter too much.

Re: magazines--Look at the masthead and send a polite letter to the fashion editor explaining why you think SHJ would appeal to their readers . By the way, you might want to add Details magazine to the list.


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