Friday, June 16, 2006

Contest Rules (DRAFT)

One of my "to-do" items for today is to draft a list of rules for the contest. I thought I would kill two palmetto bugs with one shoe by combining it with my post. Submitted for your approval:

Contest Rules:
  • All contestants who submit a t-shirt will be given a $5 gift certificate to SHJ just for entering the contest. Mmm...I love the smell of marketing in the morning.
  • The winner of the contest will win $XX in cold, hard cash. What you tell the IRS is up to you.
  • The winner will also receive a brand new SHJ t-shirt of their choice to replace their old ugly one. We think of it as part contest, part public service.
  • The contest will run from X date through Y date. Submissions should arrive no later than Y date. The winner will be announced on Z date, or whenever we get around to it.
  • Submissions are limited to one t-shirt per person. If you're having trouble deciding which one to submit, go with your gut. If your gut spews bile, that's the one to go with.
  • All submissions will be posted on the website. If you don't want other people to see the skeleton you've been keeping in your closet, this probably isn't the contest for you.
  • All t-shirts submitted to the contest become the property of SHJ. To be honest, we're thinking about making an "ugly quilt".
  • The winning t-shirt will be judged on it's overall ugliness. What more can we say? You just know ugly when you see it.

To enter the contest, send a t-shirt along with your name and address to:

Springheel Jack
c/o: Ugly T-Shirt Contest
208 Villa Circle
Boynton Beach, FL 33434

Contestants are also encouraged to send a letter/postcard/dollar bill along with their package describing themselves, their relationship with the t-shirt, how it came into their possession, how long they've had it, or any other important facts we should know about you, or your shirt. Think propaganda, people. Sell us on your shirt! We, of course, will deny that it had any impact on our decision, but the mind works in strange ways. After all, who among us can definitively say how any decision truly gets made?

Well, those are the rules. Good luck and may the ugliest shirt win!


At 2:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea of it being a monthly contest.

At 5:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still don't quite follow this contest. Are we to dig up an ugly shirt from the closet and send a picture of that, or are we *designing* ugly shirts? Also, is the point of this contest to come up with potential new SHJ designs, or just to be a contest in which we get to see ugly crap? I don't understand. Nevertheless, I like it.


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