Monday, June 19, 2006

Contest: What Is It?

Kyle's comment made me realize that I also need to explain what the contest is. I probably won't lead with this because once the contest is up and running, people will likely get it. But, I should have some text explaining what it is to the uninitiated. Here's what I came up with:

Ahh...the t-shirt! The workhorse of wardrobes everywhere! Clearly the most universal article of clothing in people's closets, nothing feels more comfortable, nothing says "easy-going" with such ease, nothing goes better with a new pair of jeans than the perfect t-shirt. Admit it, we all love t-shirts. That's why we own so many of them.

And yet, despite our love of the t-shirt, it is one of the most maligned and often neglected articles of clothing. Sadly, we've all seen (and possibly owned) t-shirts that never really made the cut. Whether it was an teal-colored tanktop with day-glow lettering bought on vacation in Key West, or a concert tee of a now defunct 80's hair band (sorry, Winger), there still exist t-shirts that should have been put out of their misery long ago.

Well, we at Springheel Jack feels it is our obligation, nay duty, to do something about this sad state of affairs. It is hereby announced that Springheel Jack will be conducting the first ever "Ugly T-Shirt Contest". Contestants are encouraged to scrounge through their closest to find the ugliest t-shirt they own and send it to us at:

Springheel Jack
c/o Ugly T-Shirt Contest
208 Villa Circle
Boynton Beach, FL 33435

All contestants who enter will be given a gift certificate of $5 to use at Springheel Jack. The lucky winner of the contest will receive $50 in cold, hard cash and a free Springheel Jack t-shirt of their choice. The contest will run from July 1st, 2005 to July 31st, 2005. For a complete list of rules, click [link].


At 7:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So... are they sending you pictures of the shirts, or the actual shirts? I'm collecting all my "retired" shirts and turning them into a quilt. How about you?


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