Last Week's Stats
Last Week's SHJ Stats:
Page Loads: 2,311 (previous record: 593)
Unique Visitors: 836 (previous record: 292)
First-Time Visitors: 791 (previous record: 285)
T-Shirts Sold: 7 (record: 9)
Month-To-Date T-Shirts Sold: 18
I am really pleased with the traffic numbers, especially the number of page loads per visitor (2.8). While some people hit my landing page and moved on, a good percentage of visitors stayed and had a good look around. That's encouraging.
At the same time, it would have been nice if the sales numbers were as strong as the traffic numbers, but no dice. Thus, one of the lessons from last week is that traffic doesn't equal sales. If it did, my sales numbers should have been roughly 4X greater than the previous week, which they weren't. Sales week-over-week were flat.
I am not too torn up about the poor sales, however, because my goal for last week was more about exposure for the contest than it was about sales. To my way of thinking, interest in the conest will lead (hopefully) to people submitting ugly shirts, which will (hopefully) lead to more interest in the site overall by a broader range of people. That's my hypothesis anyway. We'll see what happens in practice.
I also think sales have to percolate for a little while. So, maybe some of the visitors from last week will be customers this week, or the week after. Of course, this could be wishful thinking on my part.
On a somewhat unrelated note, my new banner ad is up at Radioactive Panda. Go give Eric some love.
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